Home > REGIONS BANK routing numbers
REGIONS BANK Routing Numbers
(Click on Routing Number/New routing number to get more details about the bank office.)
Regions Bank routing and/or transit number is
assigned based on the state in which the account is opened. View the
list below to find statewise routing number.
State |
R/T |
Alabama |
062000019 |
Arkansas |
082000109 |
Florida |
063104668 |
Georgia |
061101375 |
Illinois |
071122661 |
Indiana |
074014213 |
Iowa |
073900438 |
Kentucky |
083901744 |
Louisiana |
065403626 |
Mississippi |
065305436 |
Missouri |
081001387 |
North Carolina |
053012029 |
South Carolina |
053201814 |
Tennessee |
064000017 |
Texas |
111900785 |
Virginia |
051009296 |
Source : Regions Bank Routing/Transit Numbers